When to Start Pelvic Floor Physio Pregnancy

At PhysioLinks Rehab in Burlington, Ontario, we recognize the significance of pelvic floor health during pregnancy. In this blog, we delve into the question: “When to start pelvic floor physio during pregnancy?” We’ll explore the benefits of pelvic floor physiotherapy for expectant mothers when it’s ideal to begin treatment and address common concerns to ensure you have the information needed to prioritize your pelvic floor health during this transformative time.

When to Start Pelvic Floor Physio During Pregnancy?

Understanding the Importance: Pelvic floor physiotherapy plays a crucial role in supporting the health and well-being of pregnant individuals. The pelvic floor muscles undergo significant changes during pregnancy, including increased pressure and potential strain due to the growing uterus. Addressing pelvic floor issues early on can help prevent complications during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as promote postpartum recovery.

Ideal Timing for Treatment: It is recommended to start pelvic floor physiotherapy during pregnancy as soon as possible, ideally in the early stages of the first trimester. By beginning treatment early, you can proactively address any existing pelvic floor dysfunction, such as urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, or pelvic organ prolapse, and implement preventive measures to support the health of your pelvic floor throughout pregnancy.

Benefits of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy During Pregnancy:

Pain Relief and Management: Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help alleviate common pregnancy-related discomforts such as lower back pain, pelvic girdle pain, and pubic symphysis dysfunction by incorporating manual therapy techniques, exercises, and education on proper body mechanics and posture.

Preparation for Childbirth: Pelvic floor physiotherapy equips expectant mothers with essential skills and techniques to prepare for childbirth. Through pelvic floor exercises, breathing techniques, and labor positions, you can enhance pelvic floor strength, flexibility, and coordination, which can facilitate a smoother delivery process.

Postpartum Recovery Support: Starting pelvic floor physiotherapy during pregnancy lays the foundation for a quicker and more effective postpartum recovery. By addressing pelvic floor issues early on and establishing a strong foundation of pelvic floor health, you can minimize the risk of postpartum complications and expedite your recovery after childbirth.


Is pelvic floor physiotherapy safe during pregnancy?

  • Yes, pelvic floor physiotherapy is safe and highly beneficial during pregnancy when performed by a qualified and experienced physiotherapist who specializes in prenatal care.

How often should I attend pelvic floor physiotherapy sessions during pregnancy?

  • The frequency of pelvic floor physiotherapy sessions may vary depending on individual needs and circumstances. Your physiotherapist will work with you to determine a suitable treatment plan tailored to your pregnancy stage and pelvic floor health goals.

Can I continue pelvic floor exercises at home between sessions?

  • Yes, your physiotherapist will provide you with personalized exercises and recommendations to practice at home between sessions to complement your in-clinic treatment and optimize your pelvic floor health.

In Conclusion

Prioritizing pelvic floor health during pregnancy is essential for the well-being of both you and your baby. By starting pelvic floor physiotherapy early in pregnancy at PhysioLinks Rehab in Burlington, Ontario, you can effectively address pelvic floor issues, prepare for childbirth, and promote a smoother postpartum recovery. If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a pelvic floor physiotherapy appointment, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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